Becoming a part of the universal church:
As a church in the Evangelische (Lutheran) tradition, Christ Lutheran confesses that all who believe in and trust in Christ, his work and Word, and who are baptized under the proper formula commanded in the great commission are members of the universal church of all believers (In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit) (Matthew 28:19).
To join Christ Lutheran Parish:
All who are Baptized under the proper formula commanded in holy scripture who are part of the congregation, or who transfer to Christ Lutheran or who simply join the congregation are already members, though not voting members. Please inform us if this is the case. Baptism is a work of the Holy Spirit, and no matter where, or by the hands of whom this baptism takes place, God be praised. Baptism is God's work alone. If you desire to be Baptized, even without the intention of joining Christ Lutheran, please call us, or get in contact with the Pastor or office. As persons may not have a certificate of Baptism, an affirmation of faith and trust in one's good faith will be acknowledged.
To become a voting member of the congregation one must be confirmed, either from within another Lutheran congregation, or at Christ Lutheran. Confirmation is part of the sacrament of Baptism as is absolution. Voting members are expected to commune at least once a year before a vote.
Associate members are members who desire to have their voting rights through another ELCA church.
Seasonal members are members who wish to be active in the parish including to some level of voting, but for reasons such as work have to attend to part of their year in another synod. Their voting rights are limited and for practical reasons they may not hold office or vote for those holding offices.
To do any of these things, tell the office. We will be having a membership class in the new year.