Nightingale Chen
Nightingale Chen was born in a Christian home; her father was a Presbyterian pastor and mother a piano teacher.
Nightingale Chen holds 3 master’s degrees in piano performance, voice performance, piano accompaniment and chamber music; she was the full scholarship recipient for all music degrees.
Nightingale had her first public singing debut at the age of 3; started piano lessons under the tutelage of her mother at 5.
Collaborative Piano has always been Nightingale’s top passion since she started accompanying the school choir in fourth grade leading to decades of a highly sought after piano collaboration/coaching career. Her experiences as a pianist, a church music director/conductor/soprano soloist, includes playing for Taipei Opera House and Taipei Teachers’ Chorus, etc. Ms. Chen has been on the faculty at various universities in the USA. She is a Nationally/Internationally certified Suzuki Piano Teacher Trainer, often invited to workshops and conferences as a lecturer and clinician, as well as being an adjudicator for National Piano Guild, also a recipient of their Hall Of Fame Certificate. Nightingale also rings/teaches handbell.
Nightingale was the winner of many competitions in piano and voice, including the First Place Winner at National Voice Competition in Taipei Taiwan at the age of 16; the winner of concerto competition in both piano and voice in graduate school in Michigan; she was unanimously voted by all the judges as the best collaborative pianist, voice division, from Los Angeles International Liszt Competition in 2018 and is now on staff as their collaborative pianist.